The Ubuntu committee of peers for the RCEs (thereafter referred as the “Committee”) held its 11th meeting on 21-22 November 2016 in Yokyakarta in Indonesia and reviewed 21 applications from all over the world for official acknowledgement. In this meeting the committee recommended UNU to acknowledge RCE North Rift. The RCE north rift was acknowledge and issued acknowledgement certificate attached.
Currently, the RCE is coordinated from the School of Environmental Studies, University of Eldoret, Kenya.
The North Rift Region RCE applies the concept of ESD in promoting sustainable development in the region. It also works to identify emerging issues such as impacts of increasing population growth, threats to livelihoods such as various types of conflicts, Climate change and adaptation. The North Rift RCE has membership drawn from the six counties of Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Trans Nzoia, Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo, and West Pokot. The four elements of the RCE include; transformative education and is based on the expectations of stakeholders in the member counties include but not limited to; understand the role of all stakeholders in RCE; Share/ exchange information and learn about environmental issues for sustainable development from other players within the region; Acquire knowledge on RCE through sharing of information through interactive sessions with communities; Both primary and secondary teachers to help mainstream environmental education; To sensitize the communities on waste management strategies including innovative technologies resulting in reducing and reusing the wastes.
The university of Eldoret through its policy on environmental sustainability to link with communities around it to catalyze green procurement policy and tree planting during University and world environmental days. In order to meet its objectives and policy on Education for Sustainable Development the members are expected to understand the role of research in RCE, to improve networking and linkages in management of natural resources, to understand how to incorporate education in sustainable development, to understand how to develop in matters of better Agriculture and climate change and understand the role of county governments towards achievement of RCE objectives and how to incorporate the education sector in sustainable development.