University Undertook ISO 9001:2015 QMS 1st Surveillance Audit

University of Eldoret’s ISO 9001:2015 implementation journey was put to test between 15th and 17th October 2019 when Kenya Bureau of Standards Auditors carried out the 1st Surveillance Audit since the University was recertified in September, 2018.

The two Auditors from KEBS, Dr. Schola Makau and Mr. Pius Chumba conducted the Surveillance audit in sixteen (16) Units for the three programmed days and presented their findings in the closing meeting that was held on 17th October, 2019 at 3p.m.

The purpose of the 1st Surveillance audit was:

  • To determine the conformity of the University of Eldoret to the Quality Management System, or parts of it, with audit criteria
  • To determine the ability of the University of Eldoret’s Quality Management System in meeting applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements
  • To determine the effectiveness of the University of Eldoret Quality Management System, in achieving its specified objectives
  • As applicable, identification of areas of potential improvement of the quality management system

In both the opening and closing meetings the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Teresa Akenga assured the certification body that the University was committed to the implementation of the management system as prescribed in the University Quality Manual and the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. The KEBS Auditors on their part thanked the University for choosing their institution to partner with in the certification and implementation of the Quality Management System.

The 1st Surveillance Audit came to a close with an exit report that was presented to the University Management and all the Heads of Quality Units. In the report the Auditors pointed out that the University was on course in the implementation process and advised that the gaps raised could easily be resolved in order to strengthen the management system in meeting the objectives set.

In conclusion the KEBS Auditors recommended that University of Eldoret’ certification should be maintained because the implementation of the Quality management System meets the required standards. equested to corporate with the Auditors in the three days of audit and turn up for the closing meeting on Thursday 17th October, 2019 at 3p.m.

Event Gallery

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