The Vice-Chancellor of University of Eldoret Prof. Teresa Akenga was elected as the Vice-Chairperson of the Forum for Women Vice-Chancellors in Africa (FAWoVC) during the RUFORUM 15th Annual General Meeting which was held in the University of Cape Coast Ghana in West Africa as from 2nd-6th December, 2019.
The forum which was established in 2016 aims at encouraging more women to take up leadership roles in order to be able to influence key development of higher education in the continent. In this year’s Forum for Women Vice-Chancellors in Africa whose focus was Enhancing Women Participation and Leadership role in Africa’s Universities Agenda for Higher Agricultural Education, Science Technology and Innovation (AHESTI): Key Ingredients for Success, key deliberations on:
- Status of women participation in Science, Technology, and Innovation across Africa,
- Strengthening institutions capacities to nurture women leaders in Science, Technology and Innovation,
- Implication for gender inclusiveness in Science, Technology and Innovation initiatives and
- Promoting gender inclusivity and the role of women and leadership in national agendas were discussed.
As the Vice-Chairperson of this Forum, Prof. Akenga will serve in this capacity for a period of two year.